The Spectacled Bear Sanctuary is a strategy of the Parque Jaime Duque Foundation, that contributes to the conservation of this species. It provides a natural and safe space, with comprehensive care to bear individuals which were either confiscated, recovered, sick and/or elders; protecting their natural habitat and working with communities that cohabit with the bear.

It is a center for care, assessment and rehabilitation for Andean bears, approved by the environmental authority Corpoguavio, by resolution 0740 of July 12th, 2023, located in the El Páramo Nature Reserve of the Civil Society in the municipality of Guasca, Cundinamarca.


The Sanctuary’s Objectives:

Operate as a specialized center for recovery, rehabilitation, release, relocation and monitoring, as well as final destination for Andean bear individuals.

Generate specific management alternatives for Andean Bears, advancing and supporting studies of biology, physiology, microbiology, parasitology, behavior, reproduction and others that contribute to improving the techniques of management of the species, in wildlife and under professional care.

Host Andean bears born or kept in zoological institutions, in the hands of individuals and/or wild geriatrics, whose assessment determines that they must remain under professional care.

Design and implement outreach, environmental education and habitat management programs for communities living naturally with the Andean bear.

To serve as technical and scientific support for the entities that are part of the National Environmental System in the integral management of the species.

Produce native species from the greenhouse to promote conservation and restoration activities that contribute to the maintenance of sustainable ecosystems.

Threats for the Species:

The main threats to their survival are the loss of habitat, whether by transformation of pasturelands or crops, extraction of timber or fragmentation, construction of roads, mining, illicit crops and ignorance of their characteristics by communities and decision makers. It is a species threatened by extinction, so it is protected by Colombian law; its hunting is prohibited, as well as its trade. (Resolution 0126 of February 6th, 2024.)

Actions to Decrease the Level of Interaction:

1. Cattle management. More frequent visits to cows in remote pasturelands and keeping them with fences in good condition.

2. Withdrawal of attractants. In case of finding a bear prowling the grazing areas, it is necessary to remove the cows and bring them closer to the houses. It is also necessary to bury any dead animal so that it does not attract carrion bears.

3. Use of repellents: Bells hanging from the trees of the path where the bear reaches the pasturelands and that the wind blows constantly.

4. Dispensers of volatile odours or irritant substances. They can be made by hand, with chemical, natural or homemade products such as pepper powder with a mixture of tobacco, garlic, chili or creoline.

5. Visual deterrents such as colorful banners, bright plastic discs such as CDs, scarecrows with used clothes, bright mobiles and lures in general.

6. These actions must be carried out responsibly, sporadically and alternately to prevent the animal from becoming accustomed to them.

Actions for the Protection and Care of the Andean Bear:

1. Maintain constant communication with the Municipal Government and the Regional Autonomous Corporation (CAR) in case of suspected attacks on local cattle by the Andean Bear.

2. Do not feed or bait the bears, as this puts them at risk of death, nor chase them or attempt to take photographs with them.

In case of finding a bear near the livestock areas, injured or crossing the tracks, please report it to any of the following numbers/s:

Corporación Autónoma Regional del Guavio



News: International Bear Conservation Day
Wednesday, 21 February 2024

The Sanctuary was presented publicly on the international bear day on Wednesday, February 21st of 2024 at its headquarters in Guasca Cundinamarca. A day later, on Thursday 22nd, the event “AsombrOSOS Meetings” held academic spaces where various talks were conducted, where valuable experiences were exchanged for the creation of a dialogue about conservation actions and proposals yet to be developed.

This meeting was held thanks to Universidad del Bosque and had a virtual transmission.

“We are grateful for the participation and support of all those who honored us with their presence, the team of the Parque Jaime Duque Foundation that made this new dream a reality, Senator Andrea Padilla, Corpoguavio, the Secretary of Environment of Cundinamarca, to the Municipal Governments of Guasca, Tocancipá, La Calera, Cogua and Chía, the Ministry of Environment, the Humboldt Institute, the National Natural Parks of Colombia, the Corpoamazonia, Cormacarena, Cortolima, CAM and CAR. As well as, Distrital, Javeriana, La Salle, Militar Nueva Granada and UDCA Universities, the IUCN Bear Specialist Group, the CBET, the San Diego Zoo, the American Association of Zoo Keepers, the Medellin Conservation Park, the Barranquilla Botanical and Zoological Foundation, WWF, WCS, to the Colombian Aerospace Force, to the Heart of the Mountain, to Huellas del Macizo, to URRAS, to the National Police, to the Fire Department, to RAPE Central Region, to our hosts from Universidad del Bosque, a special thanks for the ongoing support and advice of the Wii Foundation, the Bioandina Foundation and the neighboring community that welcomes us with warmth.” Mentions Rafael Torres, General Manager of the Parque Jaime Duque Foundation.

We hope that this contribution will encourage the harmonious work of all people and institutions who love nature, so that through the protection of the Andean Bear not only the bear can benefit, but also the community and the landscape.