Different species of wildlife fauna have their habitat in the park, so to look out for their well-being and prevent them from stressful situations, we do not allow companion pets in. Therefore, at the parking lot we have a designated space for temporary stays for dogs (exclusive for dogs) with a capacity of 16 animals (it is not a dog day care), owners must bring bed, water and food for your pet (you do not need reservation and this is a free service).

Policy for the permanence of support guide dogs for people with visual disabilities and medical aler

Política ingreso y permanencia de perros lazarillo para personas con discapacidad visual



In order to safeguard our stuff and visitors, and respect the welfare of animals that have a habitat in our facilities, comply with the regulations established in the Air Regulation of Colombia (RAC) No. 91, appendix 13, and respect the airspace granted to the Colombian Air Force; we wish to remind you that the entry and use of drones is not authorized in the facilities of the Jaime Duque Park Foundation or in its surroundings at a distance of 3 kilometers.
To make an application for authorization you must present your Class A drone operation certificate granted by the Civil Aeronautics, the response will be addressed by the Communications Office of the Parque Jaime Duque Foundation.

Recommendations and Conditions of Service

  • To enter the park all people must cancel their bracelet, because during the tour they access attractions in the areas of Culture Walk, Monuments’ Garden and Biopark Wakatá.
  • The last bracelet sale for the entrance to the park will take place two (2) hours before the closing hours of the visit day.
  • After the purchase of the bracelets no changes are made; in addition to this, since the bracelets are personal and non-transferable, the special attractions cannot be given to other visitors.
  • We do not have rain insurance, since most of our attractions are in covered sceneries.
  • Inside the park no smoking is allowed, this also applies to electronic cigarettes and vaporizers.
  • Children should always be in the company of an adult, who will take care of the well-being and safety of the child inside the attractions. During the minor’s stay inside an attraction the adult should not leave the area or leave it in charge of the park collaborators.
  • Entrance to the attractions of Cundinamarca Square and Playgrounds are conditioned to height, so children will be measured for entrance.
  • Personal items are the sole responsibility of visitors.

Duties and Rights of Visitors

Complying with Law 1225 of 2008 regulating the operation and operation of amusement parks, attractions or entertainment devices, mechanical attractions and iron cities, water parks, thematic, ecological, interactive centers, zoos and aquariums throughout the country. The Parque Jaime Duque Foundation relates the duties and responsibilities of visitors, users and operators of amusement parks, attractions and entertainment devices. In consideration of the inherent risks to human security in the use of existing and new Attractions or Entertainment Devices which users accept from the time they make use of them, shall be their duty to strictly comply with the written or oral safety instructions given by the Operator and to use them in a responsible manner, always taking care to prevent and mitigate the risks so as not to cause accidents.

In particular, visitors to the Amusement Parks and users of Attractions and Entertainment Devices shall be under the duty of the operator to:

  1. Refrain from entering the routes of the Attractions or Entertainment Devices under the influence of alcohol, psychotropic substances or any other substance that alters the behavior and/or alert situation.
  2. Use safety equipment such as safety bars, seatbelts and harness provided by the Operator properly throughout the journey.
  3. Refrain from requiring Operator’s employees to conduct other than those established as operating rules
  4. Respect and make respect by the people in your charge, access to the Amusement Park and the different Attractions or Entertainment Devices.
  5. Respect and ensure respect by the people in your charge, ranks, traffic and loading areas, closures and other restricted areas and maintain order and composure while access occurs, during the use or stay and at the exit of the Amusement Park and its Attractions or Entertainment Devices and other activities that are developed in these.
  6. Refrain from using Attractions or Entertainment Devices or from participating in attractions or activities that pose a risk to their personal integrity or that of their dependents, especially for conditions related to their size, health, age, pregnancy, mental, psychological or physical, respecting in any case the instructions and restrictions provided for access to them.
  7. Restrain yourself and require the persons in your charge, to carry out any activity that endangers their physical integrity, that of other visitors or users or of the operators and employees of the Amusement Park or the integrity of the elements, equipment, facilities or goods found in the Amusement Park.
  8. Restrain yourself from entering the engine rooms, the operation and maintenance areas and the other restricted areas of the Amusement Park and demand the same of the persons in your charge.

In addition, in compliance with the regulations in force for the operation of Parks (Law 1225 of 2008 and resolutions 0958 of 2010, 543 of 2017 and 880 of 2017 of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism) and the security policies established by the Jaime Duque Park Foundation, the following aspects are defined in addition to those mentioned above as the duties of visitors:

  • Parents, companions or guardians are responsible for the care and attention of children at all times.
  • Visitors must comply with safety instructions and restrictions for the proper use of the attractions. They must restrain themselves from requesting collaborators to act against what is established for the operation of the attractions.
  • They must not enter or consume alcoholic beverages or psychotropic substances in any area of the Park. Therefore, people are not allowed to enter drunk or under the effect of related substances.
  • They must not enter areas marked as restricted, authorized personnel, maintenance or those that promote the safety of visitors.
  • You may not enter sports items, pets, firearms or travel bags, drones, speakers, helium bombs, pollutants or that threaten the well-being of other people, the biodiversity and/or the ecosystem
  • There cannot be offensive or harmful behaviors (verbal or physical), against any collaborator, visitor or the facilities of the park. If this happens, visitors must withdraw from the park facilities, and if required, a process will be carried out with the judicial body (National Police).
  • It is not allowed to perform any type of activity that is related to exhibitionism, consensual sexual acts different from carnal access, consensual carnal access and pornography.
  • It is not allowed to safe places in lines, jump rows barriers or security enclosures in any area of the Park.