Nature conservation
Nature Conservation Manifest
The health and well-being of people depends largely on the wellfare of the planet. For that reason, one of our missional objectives is the conservation of nature. Because of this, we believe that environmental sustainability is the way to go and we work actively in the transformation of the territory, generating sustainable landscapes.
As a strategy for the conservation of ecosystems and endangered species, we developed nature reserves of the civil society, such as Ecoparque Sabana and Bioparque Wakatá.These two reserves are located within the park’s facilities, covering about 140 hectares, or 70% of the total area of the park.

Bioparque Wakatá Nature Reserve is a sacred space, there live animals that have mostly been rescued by environmental authorities, victims of illegal trafficking. By losing their ability to survive in their natural environment, they become ambassadors of biodiversity, remaining in this beautiful space where they receive the best care with the highest standards of animal welfare, provided by our technical and professional team.
At the Ecoparque Sabana Nature Reserve, we work for the restoration and conservation of high Andean forests and wetlands, generating habitat conditions that allow wildlife to find a place of refuge, food and reproduction, understanding that to achieve it, it is necessary to promote citizen participation. There we protect the Tingua de Pico Verde and pollinators vital to the ecosystem.
We acquired La Piedra del Condor, our third Nature Reserve, located in San Andrés, Santander for the protection of the paramo and condor ecosystems of the Andes. Along with the European Zoo Association (EAZA) we acquired a 36-hectare piece of land in Samaná, Caldas, which was donated to the National Natural Park of Selva Florencia in 2018 to expand the protected area of marmosets and endemic, and critically endangered species. This is the only National Natural Park in Colombia where the presence of the species is confirmed. Finally, we add to our list of protected areas, the El Páramo Nature Reserve, located in the municipality of Guasca, Cundinamarca, with the intention of contributing to the conservation of the Andean bear, which is a vulnerable species.
Each of the reserves names above has an environmental management plan.
We know that nothing inspires more than the example, so through our Environmental Management Coordination, we plan and execute activities, processes and strategies to promote the efficient use of all resources (waste, water and energy) reducing the environmental impact of our actions.
We are convinced that education is the best tool and we have transformed ourselves into a living classroom. Thus, in participatory way the surrounding community, visitors and members, can connect with the natural environment, get to know their problems, and in this way, from particular actions, they can also become multipliers of environmental awareness. We do all of the above with a variety allied institutions, to increase our impact and contribute to a fairer and more equitable country for all living beings.
Our Reserves